Tuesday, October 6, 2009

creaky & musty...

...are the best kind of books - crack them open and smell the pages and imagine who read them before you...
i love to read.  i always have.  as a kid, i would go to the library with a canvas bag & literally fill it with books.  i used to read 3 or 4 books at a time, sometimes more - and by books i mean novels with chapters, we're talking about middle school here - and somehow keep them all straight.  i'm not really sure how i did it, though i have been known still, on occasion, to vacillate between two books, as long as they're different genres; sometimes i need to take a breather from a heavy drama with a silly rom-com.  and i think it's rare not because i've grown out of it, but because i just don't have the time to read much anymore or the room in my brain to keep track of multiple plots on top of all the other crap i've shoved in there.

however, the one situation in which i know i'll have time to read is on an airplane - and i'm gonna have a LOT of airplane time on the way to Australia!  i generally go to the library for books, but when i'm traveling, i always let myself buy at least one book in the airport.  they're more expensive, i know, but it's a treat i indulge in to reward myself for the patience it takes to travel.

this trip is different, though.  i have to carry everything i bring on my back, so i do not want to be lugging around big fat juicy books that i've already read  - because i DEVOUR books on planes - i've read three whole novels (300+ pages) on a trip before, so you know they don't stand a chance.  a lot of hostels have book exchanges, which sounds perfect - it'd give me something to read on the way back - but i don't want to spend $25 on a book i'm going to give away.  SO today i went to the bargain rack at barnes & noble to find myself a cheap, lightweight read under $10.

not an easy task for such an indecisive book-lovin' girl.

i was seriously in the book store for an hour - and the parameters were strict: under $10, paperback, fiction - can you imagine how long i would've been standing there if i were willing to buy any book my little heart desired?  i had a pile of books around me; i read a page or two of one, gauged how much i wanted to read more, sorted it accordingly & moved on to the next book... over and over...

this could easily be me - i've sat in the most uncomfortable places for hours because i was really into the book i was eating (ahem) i mean reading.

finally, i narrowed it down to three: a historical drama, a historical romantic comedy (man, i'm a sucker for historical fiction), and a modern comedy/makes-you-think.  it was sooo hard to decide!  but i ended up buying the historical drama & modern comedy - that way, if i get all historied out, i can switch to something modern & funny.  these are the books:

hmm... wonder if you can tell which is which?  ;)

nope, they're not classics, and nope, i didn't get the one because Oprah endorses it - i don't even watch Oprah - i got them because the first paragraphs hooked me.  hopefully i won't embarrass myself by talking or laughing out loud, gasping, crying or flinching while reading them on the plane - yes, yes, i do do all of those things.  my roommates make fun of me for it.  but what can i say, i really get into a good book.

can i puh-lease have this staircase in my house when i grow up?
all images (except the two book covers) via we heart it

what are your travel indulgences & favorite ways to pass the time?

today i'm so happy and grateful for:
~ the written word
~ getting things sorted for my trip
~ dinner & drinks with friends before i leave

xo! n.

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