Monday, November 15, 2010

Inspiration Strikes

I sit at my desk, blinds open behind me letting the sun cast a zebra glare on my computer monitor, but I'd rather have that than the florescents on.  It makes me feel a little more human to see the sunshine.

I'm learning about purchase orders after a slow morning spent perusing my favorite blogs, and the girl training me stops for a lengthy phone call.  I look down at my pad of paper and doodle:

I write, "finish Stratejoy post" and "charge ipod" and then...  "brainstorm"

I don't know why, it just comes out of my pen, all on its own.  And next comes:

And I look at that sentence and I have a slow trickle of an epiphany.  It isn't the lightning bolt kind, it isn't noticeable to my co-worker next to me, still on the phone.  It's like a slow leak from a balloon - no, not that, that makes the balloon smaller - it's like a tiny little waterfall that only happens after a heavy rain & that you only notice as you hike by if you're really in tune with what's around you and not preoccupied with thoughts or focused on a goal.  You only notice it if you're enjoying your hike.

The trickle of inspiration pools ink on paper and somehow forms words, words that make me smile, words that keep arranging themselves as they steadily drip-drip-drip out.  And those words form an idea, a good idea that feels possible and achievable.  Fun, even.  My co-worker hangs up the phone and training begins again; as I listen, I sit with the warming knowledge of my lovely new secret.

It may not happen as I imagine it; it may not happen at all.  I might change my mind tomorrow.  But today creative inspiration found me, and I opened up the part of my brain that is hopeful, imaginative, focused.  Today I took one step toward my big dream life.

Today I am so grateful and happy for:
~ unexpected epiphanies
~ being still & letting creativity flow
~ knowing what I need

xo!  n.
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