Wednesday, September 1, 2010

...and the adventure begins...

I am in VA, the second stop of my trip, surrounded by adorable sleeping puppies whose loud-ass snores sound like giant farts ripping through the room.  It's kind of hilarious.

I got here after spending the weekend in Raleigh, North Carolina, celebrating the marriage of two friends who couldn't be more in love or more perfect for each other.  Between the wedding and the birthday/bachelorette party for another friend that followed it, my liver is in repair mode and I've actually lost my voice.  It was that much fun.

The bride and groom (top), us girls with the groom (middle), the bride and mutual friend C (bottom)

There are a couple things I want to accomplish (well, that may be too strong a word, but...) while I'm in VA.  Because I was going to move here, and that's still an option, I want to really check it out.  I want to explore some of the younger neighborhoods & see if there's anywhere that feels like a fit for me.  I want to see a play at the local theatre my mom keeps telling me about.  I want to take the metro into DC and spend a backpacker-type touristy day on my own.  I want to go out to some bars/restaurants & check out the social feel of the city.

But not today.  Today, I'm going to nap by the pool.  Hey, I'm still recovering.  :)

I am so grateful and happy for:
~ love
~ friends
~ family
~ internet access
~ safe travels

xo! n.

1 comment:

  1. Our livers don't need a rest - we're still in our 20's! :)

    ...At least that's what I tell myself...


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